Accident/Injury Reporting - Medical Evaluation

Emergency medical assistance is available for all persons receiving an injury/illness at the university on a 24 hour a day basis. The appropriate ambulance service (township or university squad) will respond by contacting 911. Medical intervention may not always be necessary, especially with incidents resulting in no apparent injury. The primary purpose of University Medical Services is to provide non-emergency services for the student population. If clinic staff are available they may be able to render basic first aid assistance (contact them prior to arrival) to faculty/staff or visitors, prior to triage to another medical care facility for more advanced follow-up treatment.

Contact Campus Security

Cedarville University
Campus Security
251 N. Main St
Cedarville, OH 45314

Office Location: Steven Students Center upper level near the Information Desk

Office - 937-766-7992
On campus (24/7) - 999*
Off campus (24/7) - 937-239-6491

911 should be contacted directly for any police, fire, or emergency medical situation demanding immediate intervention