Advance voting in person in Johnson County begins this Saturday

Sign pointing toward ballot drop box

The general election is less than three weeks away, and the Johnson County Election Office wants to remind voters about the options to advance vote. Advance voting by mail began Wednesday, Oct. 19 and advance voting in person begins Saturday, Oct. 22.

Advance Voting by Mail

Voters can choose to have a ballot mailed to them by submitting an application. Any registered voter can apply to vote by mail in any election. No reason is required. Applications pre-filled with information are available by using the voter lookup tool. Blank applications are available online.

Applications must be received by the Tuesday before Election Day (Nov. 1). Voters can return a ballot one of the following ways:

In-Person Advance Voting

General election info with advance voting dates and locations

Lines on Election Day could be long, as the ballot in Johnson County is 19 inches in length. It is projected that each voter could take approximately seven to ten minutes to complete the voting process.

There are 27 judicial retention questions on every JoCo ballot. Sample ballots can be found online at

Voters should assess all options for casting their ballot such as in-person advance voting. Locations are available throughout the county and are open during the week and on Saturdays. Find specific location hours.

Like advance voting by mail, in-person advance voting is available to all registered voters in Johnson County. A reason is not needed to vote early, nor do voters need an application if voting at one of Johnson County’s advance voting locations. Advance voting will end at most locations on Saturday, Nov. 5.

Opening Dates for Advance Voting

Oct. 22-Nov. 5 and Nov. 7 until Noon

Oct. 22-Nov. 5

Oct. 29-Nov. 5

Get answers to election-related questions so you “Know Before You Go,” and visit the Election Office’s new website for more information. A special section on the Nov. 8 election is also now available. General election results will be available on the website.